Donate to the Club

Why We Ask You to Consider a Donation

Our goal as a fly-fishing club is to offer experiences that help our members enjoy SW Florida angling to the fullest. To do this, we offer an expanding array of meeting speakers, outings, and educational sessions. Our revenues are limited -  we try to keep our dues modest so that all can have access, and we raise some a bit of money through merchandise sales and raffles.

 We are also committed to the community-based conservation organizations in our midst and provide yearly grants that support their missions. This year we will make ten thousand dollars of grants.

 We have a tradition of holding a fundraising event each year and plan on doing so again this year. After covering the cost of running the club, funds raised are used to support some of our favorite local conservation-oriented organizations.

 Donations, small and large, help ensure our ability to continue, and perhaps expand, funding of the causes we support. Your gift can be designated to be used to best effect or earmarked for an organization of your choice. We’d welcome a conversation about how your gift might best help us support local conservation efforts. All donations are fully tax deductible.